Thursday, April 3, 2008

Art Residency- Sri Lanka & Thailand.

In July / August 2008 Tis Milner -Nichols and family will be travelling abroad to study the cultural significance of puppets and masks in conveying stories and customs.

Commencing in Northern Thailand with 'Makhampom' a communty cultural development organisation then on to Sri Lanka south coast to be mentored by Nalin Gamvary - the last traditional puppeteer and on to the hill town of Kandy to observe Dance and puppetry performances as well as visit significant cultural sites and conducting workshops in schools.

Tis is investigating Art as cultural short-hand by examining the refinement of cultural practice and story telling through visual art. Puppets and masks viewed as sculptural objects, rather than through performance, convey meaning through gestures incorporated in their basic form and via adornment. Tis will explore avenues that masks and puppets offer to cultivate and transmit stories and customs. On return to Australia Tis is looking forward to sharing her findings through wokshops and presentations in a range of forums.

Thanks to generous support from the Australia Council for the Arts.